The Power of Personal Branding: Unlocking Strong Personal Brands through Social Media

Remember the days of Hi5 and MySpace? Oh my gosh, the nostalgia! These platforms were the early pioneers that paved the way for the social media revolution we find ourselves in today.

I recall my days in high school, creating and spending hours online perfectly curating my Hi5, Myspace and later Facebook social media accounts. I would spend hours after school responding to friend requests and keeping my circle of friends in the know by updating my profile with my most recent photos or sharing my most random thoughts and happenings as a teenager. 

My fondest moments were personalising my profile, sharing my creativity with the world and making my profile stand out with glittery and colourful backgrounds and an abundance of animated artwork. I also enjoyed immersing myself in creating playlists curated with my favourite tunes. Hi5 and MySpace were the coolest spots on the internet, and I loved every minute of it. 

the power of personal branding

I have been intrigued with the internet ever since I was introduced during the era of dial-up internet, Limewire and AskJevees. I further developed a love when I discovered I could tap into the early invention of social media, where I could curate these spaces to my liking - this allowed me to create my "space" on the internet - where I could share my interests through writing, design, photography and music, all while connecting with others globally. 

The TikTok video above by @Deni_dolce is a perfect throwback to life in the early 2000s

At the time, little did I know that was the start of building my digital footprint and crafting a personal story by sharing whatever I wanted, irrespective of rules or the opinions of others.

Enter my early years of university, where I was introduced to Facebook, and it was the game-changer that revolutionised the social media landscape. When Facebook burst onto the scene, it became an instant sensation - it was during the time I had just left high school, and it was a perfect way to connect with my high school friends.

Facebook transformed how people interacted online, transcending geographical boundaries and connecting people like never before.

But didn't stop there. 

The social media landscape grew even further, where platforms were created dedicated to different purposes and niches.

The masterminds behind these platforms had a grand vision.

During my later years in university, I discovered LinkedIn, which was recognised as a platform dedicated to professional networking. LinkedIn became the go-to hub for job seekers, professionals, and businesses, providing a space to showcase accomplishments, build connections, and expand career opportunities. Suddenly, personal branding took on a whole new level of significance. 

And without realising it, I was fully immersed in social media and building a personal brand as a young adult who desired to get a footing in my desired industry.

At the time, I was young, shy, fresh out of university and desired to make way for myself. I had grand ambitions and didn't have an extensive network. The power of social media made me realise there were no limits to whom I could connect with, the opportunities I could gain and how I could grow regardless of my labels of being "shy and introverted".

Over the years, as I became more acquainted and knowledgeable about the digital space, building a personal brand and growing a solid online presence, I realised it required more than creating a profile and posting random updates to 'grow' online. It required being intentional about what I wanted the world to know about who I am, what I am great at and how I can add value.

Related: Building an Online Presence

Harnessing the Power of Social Media for Personal Brand

Social media has become an integral component of personal branding. It plays a pivotal role in shaping our brand identities. It offers a platform to express our unique personalities, talents, and expertise. It allows us to curate and communicate our stories, values, and passions.

With the right strategy, social media can amplify our reach, attract opportunities, and establish us as thought leaders and influencers in our respective fields.

By strategically choosing the right platforms, crafting engaging content, and fostering meaningful connections, we can unlock the true potential of personal branding. Social media provides the tools and the audience; all we need to do is harness its power.

Personal branding has become a force to be reckoned with in the vast and interconnected realm of the internet. It's no longer enough to exist online; we must carve out our unique space. 

But what exactly is personal branding, and why does it hold such significance today?

Personal branding is the art of curating and communicating a distinct identity that reflects who you are, what you stand for, and the value you bring. It goes beyond a mere online presence or a well-crafted resume; it encompasses the essence of your personality, expertise, and passions, positioning you as a unique and memorable individual in the eyes of others.

Understanding Personal Branding

Personal branding has taken on a newfound importance in an era dominated by social media, where our lives are increasingly intertwined with the virtual world. Personal branding is the key that unlocks doors, allowing us to stand out amidst the noise, capture attention, and seize opportunities.

Whether you're an entrepreneur, a creative professional, or even a job seeker, a solid personal brand can be the catalyst that propels you towards success.

Personal branding is about consciously shaping and strategically communicating your unique identity to leave a lasting impression on others. Think of it as how you package and present yourself to the world, both online and offline.

At its core, personal branding comprises several key components. 

  • Who Are You? It involves understanding and defining your values, passions, and strengths; this forms the foundation of your brand, allowing you to express who you are authentically.

  • What is Your 'Why'/Purpose? It also includes establishing a clear and compelling personal mission or vision statement, which encapsulates the purpose and direction of your brand, providing a guiding light for your actions and decisions.

  • Who is Your Audience? It also takes into consideration your target audience. Who do you want to connect with? Who can benefit from your expertise, offerings and thoughts? Identifying your target audience allows you to tailor your brand messaging and content to resonate with the right people.

  • How Do You Show Up? Finally, personal branding involves creating a consistent message and cohesive visual identity, which includes elements such as your logo, colour palette, typography, and overall aesthetic, visually representing your brand and making it instantly recognisable.

Uncovering and articulating your unique value proposition is crucial in the digital landscape. What sets you apart from others in your field? What specific skills, knowledge, or experiences do you bring? 

Understanding your unique value proposition helps you differentiate yourself and attract the right opportunities.

An Insight Into My Journey and Building a Personal Brand

I didn't quite understand the gamut of personal branding in the earlier years of my professional life or during my pursuit of opportunities; looking back, I realised there was one thing I maintained regardless of the change of titles or what I was known for at the time - that is, sharing what I was working on and the 'why' behind my work.

Through sharing what I was creating, I also shared my expertise. I have gone from being known as " the girl who blogs" intertwined with "the fashion accessories girl" to "the girl building community through a women empowerment platform" and, more recently, "a Canva ambassador, go-to or guru of some sort." All these 'titles' were formed based on what I consistently presented online, whether through sharing my knowledge, projects or thoughts.

And based on all these titles, I was consulted for my insights and services - as I go-to for these subject areas, whether blogging, sharing my experience on brand building, building an online presence, monetising my skills or Canva.

I didn't always get it right in positioning my unique value proposition or knew how to cut through the noise as I would sometimes miss the mark on sharing my expertise or the problem I solve for others, whether it was because of my messaging, packaging and or lack of consistency, which were key factors that I sometimes overlooked, despite having the knowledge or know-how on various subject matters. As a result, I was sometimes overlooked for opportunities I would have loved to gain.

To identify your unique value proposition, take a moment for self-reflection.

  1. Consider your strengths, expertise, and the problems you can solve for others.

  2. Reflect on the qualities and skills that make you stand out.

The Secret Ingredients in Personal Branding

Through a better understanding of personal branding, leveraging the digital space, and cutting through the noise and the competition, here are a few 'secret' ingredients that fuel a personal brand.


Authenticity is the ingredient that breathes life into your brand. It's about being genuine, transparent, and true to yourself in everything you do. Building trust and forging meaningful connections is paramount in a world where people crave authenticity. It involves embracing your quirks, sharing your journey, and being vulnerable when appropriate.

People are more likely to engage with and support someone they perceive as genuine. Staying true to yourself builds a loyal following and creates a lasting impact. 

Remember, personal branding is not about creating a fictional persona or trying to be someone you're not. It's about embracing your uniqueness, showcasing your strengths, and letting your true self shine.

Authenticity is the magical ingredient that sets your brand apart and makes it relatable and compelling.


Consistency is a sure way to build your online presence and your personal brand. By consistently posting valuable content, engaging with your audience, and promoting your brand, you can establish yourself as an authority in your industry and make it more likely for people to follow, share, and recommend your business.

Additionally, consistent branding, messaging, and design across all your online platforms and offline can create a cohesive image of your business and make it more recognisable to potential customers.

Being true to yourself, defining your unique value proposition, letting authenticity be the guiding principle and showing up consistently shapes every aspect of your brand.

Leveraging Social Media for Personal Branding

I have gained various opportunities, including freelance jobs, speaking engagements, and even secured employment by intentionally building my online presence and personal brand. I am only associated with what I know, but who I am, my beliefs and values. I have gained opportunities from consistently sharing and having the knowledge I shared backed by the evidence of my successful projects.

Related: How to Make Social Media Work for You

For instance, when I pitched for a business and leadership exchange programme, my work through For Women to Women, a digital resources platform for career-oriented and entrepreneurial women, my strong online presence and brand spoke for itself, which was evidenced by my work in building a brand from scratch, cultivating a community, fostering relationships and leaving an impact.

My work through For Women to Women also helped me to gain job opportunities to work in digital marketing, as there was evidence of brand building, marketing my brand and growing its online presence.

Not only did I do the work, but I also shared the journey, success and expertise I used to achieve much success online, which created a personal brand story of being a "self-starter, a leader and a collaborative creative professional."

More recently, I have consulted to provide services in one-on-one training and design work based on my knowledge and know-how of Canva. Again, this is based on sharing my knowledge of Canva through tutorials, tips and hacks for entrepreneurs via YouTube and Instagram. Also, sharing my expertise and work led to my recognition as a Canva Global Ambassador. 

With many social media platforms at our fingertips, choosing the ones that align with our personal branding goals is essential. While there are various platforms, you don't need to be everywhere, as this depends on your goals and vision. 

Facebook, the behemoth of social media, offers a diverse audience and a platform for connecting with friends, family, and like-minded communities. Instagram, the visual wonderland, is perfect for showcasing your creative talents, lifestyle, or personal brand aesthetics. LinkedIn, the professional networker's haven, opens doors to career opportunities, networking, and industry insights. Twitter, the land of concise communication, enables you to share thoughts and insights and engage in meaningful conversations in real time.

Are you a budding entrepreneur in the creative industry looking to connect with your target market? Instagram might be your go-to. Are you a professional seeking career advancement and industry authority? LinkedIn is calling your name.

Choose the right social media platform to amplify your brand message and connect you with your desired audience.

Making the Most of Social Media and Building a Personal Brand as an Introvert

While we are on the topic of building personal branding and leveraging social media to stand out, I would like to share a bit of my journey of building a brand as an introvert.

Being an introvert and building a personal brand online can feel overwhelming but it is also an exciting journey, which provides trememdous opportunities for growth.

Through my experience, I have learnt ways to show up, especially in a world that celebrates extroversion. I've had my fair share of wondering what and how to share, all while being a little overwhelmed at times. However, throughout my journey, I have identified my safe zones and also those that would stretch me.

Challenge Yourself to Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

When I had just started on my journey, I chose to blog because it was more popular then but also because it felt comfortable, and I could easily share my thoughts and expertise and then retreat to my corner. However, over time, I realised that more was needed to grow beyond the confines I created for myself. I would then explore other areas to stretch my capacity, from blogging to posting more than static images and random social media posts to sharing videos on Instagram stories and Snapchat to posting videos on YouTube and Instagram to even going live to share my knowledge. 

Related: Build Your Digital Presence with Courage Even as an Introvert

While it was a bit nerve-wracking at times, it also enhanced my capabilities and helped me to figure out what worked for me.

Instead of hiding behind the label of an introvert to stay within my comfort zone, I stretch myself and open myself to greater opportunities, showcasing my talents and sharing my knowledge.

I recall one of the earlier parts of my journey, where I started a blog to reach a wider audience while selling fashion accessories — it was my way to keep busy and make money while job hunting. The blog, which I intended to be a place to help me sell my accessories, wasn't as 'low-key' as I had intended it to be, as it got its fair share of recognition and challenged me not to dim my light.

At this point in my journey, I was so shy — oh man, I enjoyed being the behind-the-scenes girl, and my blog created that space for me to 'do the work, keep my head down and not be seen' - but when I won 'Best New Blog', guess what, I had to come out of my 'shell' to show up and share more of my magic and the work I've been doing behind the scenes.

While I understood the value of holding your head down and working and doing what feels comfortable, I also realised that stepping outside my comfort zone as I built my brand was valuable. 

To help me navigate the online space as an introvert, I focused on curating authentic and thoughtful interactions that leave a lasting impact. I engage in one-on-one conversations with my community of followers, clients, or peers, respond to comments and messages, provide personalised advice, and foster genuine connections. These individual conversations has had a profound impact and strengthened my brand.

I also found value in engaging in relevant online communities. I would seek online communities that align my interests and expertise, connect with like-minded individuals, and share valuable insights. By joining these platforms, I got the opportunity to engage in discussions and establish myself as a trusted resource within these communities.

To eliminate overwhelm, I sought to identify what made me comfortable while finding something that would stretch me and contribute to my growth instead of spreading myself thin across various platforms. 

Case Studies: Successful Personal Brands that Were Catapulated by Social Media

Here are a few persons who have masterfully crafted their brands and left an indelible mark in the digital realm.

Terri-Karelle Reid

Your Jamaican Girl, a well-known media personality, speaker, and former Miss Jamaica World, is a great example of someone who has effectively leveraged social media to build her personal brand.

She has built and maintains an active presence on social media by regularly posting content that aligns with her values, beliefs, interests, and expertise. She consistently shares her insights on parenting, marginalised communities, and her journey to building her brand.

A key element in Terri's journey is her authenticity and personal storytelling, where she shares personal stories, experiences, and insights that connect with her audience on a deeper level.

See an example of how she uses personal storytelling to connect with her audience.

Another key element of her journey that stands out is her sharing how it was important for her to craft her story versus allowing others to write it. She has been intentional about what she shares and what you find when you Google her. 

Related: Terri-Karelle's personal storytelling and brand compass

Devale Ellis

A former NFL player turned actor (more popularly known for his role as Zac on Sistas and Zatima) has effectively utilised social media and storytelling to build his brand.

Before his popularity, he would consistently share videos of his life as a husband, father and entrepreneur on YouTube before gaining a viral moment, introducing him to millions globally.

He shared his journey by sharing authentic and relatable content about being a father, a husband and his journey to becoming an actor.

He uses storytelling to share his personal experiences, challenges, and successes, allowing his audience to connect with him more deeply. By being genuine and relatable, he has built a loyal following.

He leveraged what worked for him by creating videos, a powerful storytelling tool, and sharing his personality with a wider audience.

In addition to this, he has maintained consistency by posting frequently, which helps to build trust and loyalty. Also, incorporating behind-the-scenes content and providing into his behind-the-scenes life as an actor, family man, or entrepreneur has given Devale Ellis' followers a sense of exclusivity. Sharing such content makes his community feel connected and gives them a deeper understanding of his personal and professional life.

Tabitha Brown

Tabitha Brown is an entrepreneur, actress, and social media influencer who has grown her brand and online presence by creating relatable and authentic content that resonates with her audience.

She first gained fame by posting videos of herself cooking vegan meals on her TikTok and Instagram accounts, which quickly went viral. Tabitha's videos are known for their authenticity, relatability and positive energy, which helped her grow her following to over 4 million followers. 

She has leveraged her social media growth to promote her vegan product lines, such as plant-based sauces and seasoning. She also began collaborating with brands and appeared in commercials and TV shows, increasing her visibility and reach.

Most recently, she has partnered with Target and Ulta Beauty to carry her line of products, such as vegan products, kitchen and cookware essentials and hair products. Tabitha continues to grow her online presence by consistently creating relatable and authentic content, such as cooking videos, vegan lifestyle tips, hair videos and personal anecdotes. 

Overall, Tabitha has grown her brand by showing up as her authentic self, sharing what she's passionate about, how she lives, and what she believes in, loves and utilises in her everyday life.

Key Takeaways from Successful Personal Brand Building

A few key elements these individuals have gotten the right are authenticity, consistency, engagement, community building, and selecting the right platform.

  • Authenticity: They have mastered the art of authenticity. They genuinely share their experiences, successes, and challenges, which allows their audience to connect with them on a deeper level. Authenticity forms the bedrock of their brands, fostering trust and loyalty among their followers.

  • Consistency: They understand the importance of consistency in building a solid personal brand. They consistently deliver valuable content, maintain a cohesive visual identity, and engage with their audience regularly. This consistency helps them stay top-of-mind and reinforces their expertise and credibility.

  • Engagement and Community Building: They engage with their audience and foster a sense of community. They respond to comments, answer questions, and initiate conversations. By building genuine connections, they create a loyal following and a community that supports and uplifts their brands.

  • Strategic Platform Selection: Devale's success on YouTube and Instagram aligns with his focus on storytelling. Terri-Karelle's ability to dominate Instagram and LinkedIn allows her to tap into a professional audience and establish authority within her industry. Strategically selecting platforms that best showcase their expertise and resonate with their target audience.

Throughout this incredible exploration of the intersection of personal branding and social media and building an online presence, we've witnessed the transformative power of personal branding. We've discovered that personal branding is not just about creating a captivating image or a catchy slogan. It's about authentically expressing who you are, what you stand for, and the value you bring to the world.

Social media platforms have been the catalyst which given us an unprecedented opportunity to connect with individuals from all walks of life, share our stories, and amplify our voices. It has levelled the playing field, allowing us to compete with established brands and build personal brands on our terms.

While social media provides a platform, using it wisely and authentically is essential to building our brand masterpieces, building digital footprints, and connecting with a broader audience. 

Now is the perfect time to embark on your personal branding journey. Embrace your unique voice, talents, and experiences.

My next post will cover Personal Branding and Unlocking Monetisation through a Strong Online Presence.

Originally published on LinkedIn.

About the Author

Carey-Lee Dixon's unwavering passion lies in working with entrepreneurs and businesses to craft authentic and captivating brands through her creative design, digital marketing, and social media expertise.

With her invaluable insights from personal experiences, Carey-Lee aims to empower introverted women to thrive online, building profitable platforms and monetising their skills with unwavering clarity and confidence. As a Certified Canva Creative and esteemed Global Ambassador, she guides entrepreneurs in harnessing the true potential of Canva to create an online presence that captivates and resonates with their target audience.

Learn more about Carey-Lee and her work at and transform your business into a flourishing success story!

Carey-Lee Dixon

Carey-Lee Dixon is a Jamaican-based creative strategist designing Squarespace and Shopify websites for growth-oriented entrepreneurs and ecommerce businesses. Carey-Lee Dixon is also the Founder of For Women to Women, a growth-oriented space for career-oriented and millennial women. On the personal website she provides visual design strategy services for entrepreneurs and shares how-tos and tips on leveraging the digital space and standing out online.

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